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New Site On The Way!
Glycon lets you make your own motion capture using only your VR equipment! It's super easy to use but our site was not as easy. So we're fixing that. It's just not done yet.

Here are the important links while you wait...

Got a VR Headset?
Now you have a Mocap suit.

Welcome to Glycon™
Glycon lets you make your own motion capture using only your VR equipment!

You just act out your scene in our virtual environment, or even bring in your own scene, props, and audio. Glycon  records your sessions and builds mocap files you can use for your games, movies, educational material, or any other form of visual narrative. It's the simplest and fastest way to create professional quality motion capture, on any platform!

Glycon compatible Headsets:
Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, Oculus Quest 2, HTC Vive, Vive Index, any Windows Mixed Reality headset, and any SteamVR compatible VR setup.

Glycon creates FBX and BVH files that are compatible with:
Blender, Cinema4D, iClone, LightWave, Maya, Max, Unreal, and Unity. Pretty much anything that can read FBX or BVH files.

Got a VR Headset?
Now you have a Mocap suit.

GlyconVR Updates:
May 16 2024 - Version 85 for Meta Quest 3 is out! 
Features include:
* Massive speed boost. 70+ FPS in most cases
* Idle Motion Smoothing - Creates far more realistic human motion
* Generative leg pose estimation ‍

Got a VR Headset?
Now you have a Mocap suit.

Full body tracking
Glycon has a host of new features for Meta Quest headsets, and here is the latest version in all its glory!
Glycon v70 on SteamVR  and iClone 8
Full Body Tracking on SteamVR
Glycon has full body tracking on SteamVR, and a ton of new features. Here is the latest version in all its glory!